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  • Writer's pictureDann Foley

Most Women Have NO CLUE: How To Dress A Man

Sep 22, 2011

As many of you know Dann Inc is a full service Lifestyle Design Company. I dress as many people as I do rooms!

This past week while I was working in Las Vegas I had a chance to spend some time with a prominent manufacturer, who recognizes the importance of personal style as an extension of who is as a person, as well as, a design professional. No! He’s not gay! Don’t even go there, just because a man doesn’t want to look like he rolled out of bed with a 10-year old suit on! He’s my favorite kind of client! Someone who already has great taste and a defined sense of style but, wants to be exposed to fresh ideas and new looks with someone can lend an eye to what they are seeing in the mirror.

So, the issue at hand was….this gentleman and his wife are going to Scotland for a very high brow, luxuriously styled wedding. Since it is going to be a destination wedding, there would be several days of events and parties that would require some great outfits. Most importantly, the wedding suit… it had to be stylish and hip, yet age appropriate and work with his wife’s hat!

Where did we enter to begin a fabulous shopping trip?  Ted Baker!!!! ( One of my favorite Men’s designers! So, take some advice from me, I don’t believe in wasting money. This suit had to be worn to a formal, daytime wedding but I had no intention of letting my client buy a one-time-wear outfit.

The first thing to remember is, it takes time….you have no choice but, to try on a bunch of clothes! Those people who run out and think I will just buy whatever is in my size without trying it on, end up looking like… that is exactly what they did! After several tries, we settled on an amazingly cut deep charcoal silk suit. The color and style lends itself to the daytime event and silk gives the suit enough shine to appear formal. Instead of a traditional formal shirt, we chose an amazing floral design of purple and lavender and black on a cream background….really HOT looking!

Then, the task of accessorizing a man without making him too much of a “dandy”, if you know what I mean. I added a multi-colored pocket square in every shade of purple and berry and a solid black silk satin tie from Etro. We debated on using a bow tie…I was appalled to find that even in a store like Ted Baker, all of the men’s bow ties were clip-ons! It is time to stop and give one my very few NEVER rules….no one over the age of 12 should EVER wear a clip on bowtie! There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule!

Another tip, this season, as in the past several, men’s suits are being cut slimmer with shorter jackets. For many men this means you have to go up a size, at least. I have to laugh because; men and women are so much alike when it comes to their sizes in clothing. I have seen just as many men panic over and increase in size as women. My rule is, size doesn’t matter, fit DOES! The complete outfit is high style, appropriate for both the occasion and the gentleman’s age AND it can be broken up into its pieces and worn any number of times afterward!

Style & Value….they always go hand in hand! Oh, and did I mention that we purchase all of the items at the Ted Baker and Etro Factory Stores ( at significant savings?? Well we did! Which left plenty left over for an amazing touring coat that he will surely need on some off the day expeditions they are taking while in Scotland!

xo~ DANN

P.S. Post your style dilemma on my page. I’ll answer you back ASAP with advice you shouldn’t live without!

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