At the end of each year, after overindulging through the holidays, many of us make promises to ourselves of sweeping changes in every aspect of our lives. Then when not living up to the impossible standard comes the inevitable sense of failure comes. The truth is, meaningful change does not usually happen in waves, but in ripples. You don’t have to be perfect, just make an effort.
I have always found that making slight adjustments to my life and lifestyle have always been the best way to exact lasting change. Small steps and incremental adjustments are how I make changes matter.
When considering new ways of living for myself, or for one of our clients, I consider how they live first. If a makeover is to be lasting, it has to be doable, sustainable and maintainable. You can choose to change your lifestyle from top to bottom but, to keep it from becoming daunting and even insurmountable, you want to understand where you are starting and where you want to end up.
In making over one’s home, we delve into the way our clients live. The process is an intimate one and we need to consider every aspect and nuance of the way people live to be truly successful. This includes the all-important piece the longevity puzzle… the ability to maintain a new way of living.
Once we have come to understand the way a client wants to live, we then create a plan to get them there. It is not as simple of redecorating or renovating a kitchen or bathroom. We often joke that in our office, we are as much therapists as we are designers. To create change, we must know where you are coming from. And just as in therapy, design is best left to the professionals (LOL)!
Just as you might go inward at this time of year, as a way of reviewing the past twelve months, you can do the same with your home and the way you live. As I have said many times here in my monthly musings, Lifestyle is not just about the things in your home, it is about the way you live and the choices you make in every part of your life.
Just think about the number of decisions and choices you make from the time you wake up to the time you leave the house to start your day. Do you make your bed? Do you workout/exercise? Do you shower, shave, apply makeup, moisturizer, etc.? What are you going to wear? Do you eat breakfast, or no breakfast at all? Do you need a jacket, umbrella, hat? Drive, walk, carpool or bike to work? What plans do you make for lunch? Check your emails before you leave for the office? My point is that there are so many considerations that you may not even be aware of just in getting out the door. All of these are pieces to the puzzle that make up your life and lifestyle.
Before & After programs and magazine issues are an inspiring but, how can you really apply them to your own life? When you can look beyond the drama and glamour of the makeover, that is when you start learning a thing or two about applying similar principals in the way you live as well. What I hope you see, is that it is not about trying to copy or recreate what you see in an exceptional makeover, it is about finding that part of yourself that you may not be connected with yet. It is about the revelatory effect that building an authentic life and lifestyle have on your comfort, both physical and emotional.
When we make the choice to live a better life, it is the staying power that is the long-term issue. But, if you make decisions based on what you truly love, who you truly are, and what you truly want, you cannot go wrong. Then, sticking to your new year’s resolutions is easy.
As always, be easy on yourself. This isn’t brain surgery, it’s just decorating. You cannot get it wrong. Choose what you love and you will find your life and your lifestyle abundant.
Live Well!
Designer Dann: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest & Houzz